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VivaCity webinars series presents

ATC Replacement and Network Management: An AI-based Approach

Watch the webinar recording now! 

ATC Replacement Vivacity Dashboard

Watch VivaCity and South Gloucestershire Council in our recorded webinar, and discover how AI-powered Computer Vision technology is the most cost effective way to replace outdated Automatic Traffic Counter (ATC) tools.

Legacy traffic monitoring methods such as loops, tubes, radar, and surveys offer limited insights on how roads and urban spaces are really being used. Single site, short term monitoring will only show a snapshot of network behaviour and often cause damage to the road infrastructure and disruption to traffic during installation. 

Adopting technology that enables real-time classification of all road users is essential to fully understand and analyse how the road space is being used. This accurate base-line data can then be used to inform infrastructures changes that will have the most impact.

What you will learn:

Green Tick

How AI and computer vision are revolutionising transport insights with smart traffic monitoring, road safety analysis and smart signal control

Green Tick

How to build or enhance your permanent traffic counting methods using computer vision data and how to capitalise on the added benefits of the extra insights

Green Tick

How to optimise the broader network by making the shift to long-term transport monitoring in a cost effective manner

Green Tick

Case studies from across the country including Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, South Gloucestershire, and other larger transport authorities, that are future-proofing their network monitoring requirements with VivaCity insights

Guest participation: Mike Davenport from South Gloucestershire Council shared his experience of upgrading legacy ATC technology with VivaCity’s cutting edge solution.

Your hosts:


Flora McFarlane
Head of Growth and Partnerships
Connect with Flora on LinkedIn


Mike Davenport
Transport Policy,
South Gloucestershire Council


Chris Neil
Head of UK Business Development
Connect with Chris on LinkedIn


VivaCity is supporting over 100 authorities across England, Scotland and Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and North America, to overcome their biggest transport challenges with high quality, multimodal, anonymous transport data. Learn how you can too by joining us on 10th April for our latest webinar.

VivaCity's AI-powered Computer Vision Solution for ATC Replacement

A selection of our clients and partners

TfL - white PNG
TfGM logo
Transport for West Midlands - White PNG
Cambridgeshire County Council - White PNG
Welsh Government
Westminster - White PNG
Vaisala - White PNG
Ricardo Research - White PNG
Hackney - White PNG
Cross River Partnership White
WM5G - White PNG


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