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Smart Signal Control - AI for Detection

Smart Signal Control Solutions for Congestion Reduction and Network Optimisation

At VivaCity, our vision is to make cities smarter, safer and more sustainable. We provide Local authorities with highly accurate multimodal data on different types of road users, using our AI-powered computer vision sensors.

Constraints of existing junction layouts make it difficult to efficiently and safely process the growing volume of road users, especially active travel modes, using urban networks.

VivaCity computer vision sensors can feed live data into the traffic signal controller (UTC) system, reflecting the real-time usage and demand of the networks. 

 Smart Signal Control: Detect

Request the Technology Brochure Now

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What's inside:

  • How AI computer vision can classify and count up to 32 types of road users, and use these data insights to understand behaviours
  • How VivaCity Labs sensors feed live data into UTC controllers to optimise urban network systems based on real-time demand
  • The benefits of using AI-powered data and insights for network optimisation as an alternative to building more infrastructure
  • Real-life application of this solution with an example case study

Download our Smart Signal Control: Detect solution brochure and learn more about optimising junctions and signalling performance with superior AI computer vision.

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Got any questions or want to learn more about our solutions?

Nothing beats human interaction. Get in touch with the VivaCity team and let us answer any questions you might have about our Intelligent Traffic Light Control Systems. We can also organise a demo of the sensor and data dashboard.


Discover the Power of Computer Vision for
Smart Traffic Monitoring, Road Safety & Signal Control

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At VivaCity, our vision is to make cities smarter, safer and more sustainable. Our AI sensors provide insights to local authorities to support strategy planning decisions.

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Our solution can  gather anonymous, real-time, multimodal traffic data and that is used by controller cabinet to optimise signalling, in an adaptable and efficient way, based on real-life needs.

Road Safety New

Our Smart Road Safety suite of products can gather anonymous, real-time, multimodal traffic data and that is used to assess speed and tracks of road users, as well as identify incident hot spots with our pioneering Near Miss feature.

A selection of our clients and partners:

Transport for London
TfGM - White PNG
Transport for West Midlands
Cambridgeshire County Council
City of Port Phillip - Australia
Westminster - White PNG
Ricardo Research - White PNG
Cross River Partnership
VivaCity White Logo


Improving traffic insights with Artificial Intelligence. Continuous 24/7 urban classification with complete anonymity